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Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image





تگ های این فایل:

analyze, edit, flip, header, image, isotropic, las, load, make, medical, neurological, nifti, nifti1, niftl, radiological, ras, resampling, reslice, reslicing, save, toolbox, view




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برای مشاهده این محتوا لطفاً ثبت نام کنید یا وارد شوید.

23 Oct 2005 (Updated 22 Jan 2014)


Load, save, make, reslice, view (and edit) both NIfTI and ANALYZE data on any platform


Please always check NIfTI_tools.pdf for detail descriptions and latest updates.


If you are confused by the Left / Right of an ANALYZE image, please read UseANALYZE.pdf.


You may also want to go through FAQ.pdf for practical solutions and real examples.

Basic Programs:


1. load_untouch_header_only.m: Load only the header section of NIfTI or ANALYZE file. The input file will be automatically detected. NIfTI structure will be returned for NIfTI file, and ANALYZE structure will be returned for ANALYZE file.


2. load_nii.m: Load N-Dimensional NIfTI file (where N can be from 3 to 7) or ANALYZE file (where N can be from 3 to 4), and apply header info (e.g. affine geometric transform, voxel intensity scaling, etc.) to the data. If your file has more than 3-Dimension (e.g. time series etc.), you can also specify a range to extract only 1 or several volumes.


3. save_nii.m: Save N-Dimensional NIfTI structure (where N can be from 3 to 7) that is loaded by "load_nii.m" or made by "make_nii.m" into a NIfTI file.


4. make_nii.m: Make N-Dimensional NIfTI structure (where N can be from 3 to 7) based on the N-Dimensional matrix and other optional parameters (e.g. voxel_size, origin, etc.). Using "save_nii" command, the NIfTI structure that is made by "make_nii" can be saved into a NIfTI file.


5. make_ana.m: Make 3D ANALYZE structure based on the 3D matrix and other optional parameters (e.g. voxel_size, origin, etc.). Using "save_untouch_nii" command, the ANALYZE structure that is made by "make_ana" can be saved into an ANALYZE file in order to be compatible with some ANALYZE only programs.


6. reslice_nii.m: Re-sample 3D (or 4D) NIfTI file, or ANALYZE file with affine matrix M in .mat file, and save the re-sampled data into a new NIfTI file. The program will base on the affine matrix, which is especially useful for oblique images with non-orthogonal rotation or shearing that cannot be loaded with "load_nii.m". You can also specify voxel_size, etc. It will not cause negative effect, as long as you remember not to do slice time correction after using "reslice_nii.m".


7. pad_nii.m: Pad the volume(s) in NIfTI structure from any of the six sides, while keeping the originator, voxel size, data type, and description unchanged. The program is especially useful after you use reslice_nii, since the new volume will most likely have different dimensions.


8. clip_nii.m: Clip the volume(s) in NIfTI structure from any of the six sides, while keeping the originator, voxel size, data type, and description unchanged. The program is especially useful after you use reslice_nii, since the new volume will most likely have different dimensions.


9. view_nii.m: View & Edit 3D (or 4D) NIfTI or ANALYZE structure that is loaded by "load_nii.m" or made by "make_nii.m". Activation map, ROI, etc. can be overlaid on top of a background image (see above picture). Plotted view can be embedded into your existing figure window. If you use it as an individual program, it can also edit the orientation and voxel value of the image, view volume histogram, and save the modified image.


10. load_untouch_nii.m: Load N-Dimensional NIfTI file (where N can be from 3 to 7) or ANALYZE file (where N can be from 3 to 4), but do not apply any changes that are indicated in the header. WARNING: Do not use "view_nii.m" to view the structure that is loaded by "load_untouch_nii.m".


11. save_untouch_nii.m: Save N-Dimensional NIfTI structure (where N can be from 3 to 7) or ANALYZE structure (where N can be from 3 to 4) that is loaded by "load_untouch_nii.m" or made by "make_ana.m" into a new NIfTI or ANALYZE file. If you do not modify the loaded dataset, the header and data in the new saved file should be the same as those in the original file.


Other Programs:

1. collapse_nii_scan.m: Integrate multiple single-scan NIfTI or ANALYZE files into a multiple-scan NIfTI file.

2. expand_nii_scan.m: Break a multiple-scan NIfTI file into multiple single-scan NIfTI files.

3. save_untouch_slice.m: Save back to the original image with a portion of slices that was loaded by load_untouch_nii. You can process those slices matrix in any way, as long as their dimension is not altered.

4. get_nii_frame.m: Return the number of time frames of a NIfTI file.

5. flip_lr.m: Flip NIfTI or ANALYZE file Left-Right along the plane across the originator, and save the L-R flipped data into a NIfTI file. WARNING: Please use this program with caution, although you can always flip it back.

6. load_nii_ext.m: Load header extension from a NIfTI file.

7. mat_into_hdr.m: Integrate affine matrix in old SPM .mat file into its .hdr header file. Thus, the ANALYZE file is converted into a NIfTI file with the updated .hdr header file.



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لینک به دیدگاه

Read Medical Data 3D





رابط گرافیکی برای خواندن و نمایش اکثر فرمت های تصاویر پزشکی، تگ های این فایل:

3d, analyze, atl, brainvoyager, dcm, dicom, export, file, file formats, gipl, guys image processing, hai, hdlab, hdr, img, import, insight, isi, lab, medical, mha, mhd, mirco ct, nifti, nii, philips, pick of the week, potw, raw, read, scanner, toolbox, ultrasound, v3d, vmp, vtk, xif



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10 Nov 2010 (Updated 23 Feb 2011)


GUI to open most Medical file-formats: Dicom, V3D, ISI, NifTI, Analyze and other formats


This file was selected as MATLAB Central

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This function ReadData3D allows the user to open medical 3D files. It

supports the following formats :

Dicom Files ( .dcm , .dicom )

V3D Philips Scanner ( .v3d )

GIPL Guys Image Processing Lab ( .gipl )

HDR/IMG Analyze ( .hdr )

ISI Files ( .isi )

NifTi ( .nii )

RAW files ( .raw , .* )

VMP BrainVoyager ( .vmp )

XIF HDllab/ATL ultrasound ( .xif )

VTK Visualization Toolkit ( .vtk )

Insight Meta-Image ( .mha, .mhd )

Micro CT ( .vff )

PAR/REC Philips ( .par, .rec)










V : The 3D Volume

info : Struct with info about the data

Always the following fields are present

info.Filename : Name of file

info.Dimensions : Dimensions of Volume

info.PixelDimensions : Size of one pixel / voxel



The read functions are not fully implemented as defined in

the file-format standards. Do not use this function for

critical applications.




If you know an example file of GE_Version_4, GE_Version_5 or some other often used 3D medical format, please leave a comment (so I can implement that format).

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لینک به دیدگاه




نمایش و پردازش تصاویر 2 بعدی، 3 بعدی و 4 بعدی پزشکی از جمله تصاویر سی تی اسکن و ام آر آی، تگ های این فایل:


2d, 3d, ct, dicom, gipl, hdr, image, image processing, interactive, isi, isosurface render, maximum intensity projections, measure, mh, mip, mri, nii, phong shading, raw, rays, segmentation, shaded, shear warp, shearwarp, toolbox, v3d, viewer3d, vmp, volume render, volume rendering, vtk, xif



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04 Nov 2008 (Updated 25 Jan 2011)


MIP, Color, Slice and Shaded 3D (shearwarp) Volume Rendering, interactive 3D view/measurement GUI



This function can be used to interactively view any kind of 2D,3D and 4D image volumes like CT and MRI. Allowing segmentation and distance measurements or ROI selection in 2D slices.

It includes Maximum intensity projections (MIP), Volume Rendering (VR) , Slice render, and colored and Phong shaded Volume rendering.


Voxel opacity and color tables can be changed on the fly allowing also iso surface kind of renders.

The fast render algorithm which renders a 3D volume to a 2D image, is based on a Matlab coded implementation of the Shear-Warp transform, in which instead of rotating the viewer rays the slices are sheared.

There are two major Matlab files:

- viewer3d.m : The interactive GUI

- render.m : The function which renders volume data with the shear-warp transform to an 2D image.

File-formats supported:

Matlab Files (.mat)

Dicom Files ( .dcm , .dicom )

V3D Philips Scanner ( .v3d )

GIPL Guys Image Processing Lab ( .gipl )

HDR/IMG Analyze ( .hdr )

ISI Files ( .isi )

NifTi ( .nii )

RAW files ( .raw , .* )

VMP BrainVoyager ( .vmp )

XIF HDllab/ATL ultrasound ( .xif )

VTK Visualization Toolkit ( .vtk )

Insight Meta-Image ( .mha, .mhd )

Micro CT ( .vff )



This version is 100% Matlab code, but to make it faster if you run "compile c-code" in the config menu. I also included an older version with the shearwarp algorithm in c-code / mex-code


Please report bugs, successes and if you know some possible code speedups.


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لینک به دیدگاه

MRI Brain Segmentation



تگ های این فایل:


3d segmentation, brain, dee, dicom, gray, grey, image processing, medical, segmentation, white matter



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06 May 2004 (Updated 13 Jan 2010)


Neuroimaging Case Study for seminars and webinars.



This case study shows how MATLAB can be used for a medical imaging problem. Given an MRI scan, first segment the brain mass from the rest of the head, then determine the brain volume. Also compare portions of gray and white matter present. This example was developed for seminars. It was also used for webinars for medical applications broadcast live on May 6, 2004.



This package includes some MATLAB code and an MRI scan series consisting of 60 DICOM images. Note that this code relies on MATLAB Central submissions from others. Detailed references to those sources are included.


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لینک به دیدگاه

Medical Image Processing Toolbox





تگ های این فایل:


biotech, data export, data import, image processing, medical, modeling, toolbox



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01 May 2013


Classes and functions for N-dimensional medical image processing, inspired by ITK



This package contains a collection of classes and functions, which allow to comfortably work with medical images and meshes. It provides a intuitive and transparent way of dealing with spacing, origin, image orientation, etc. The package includes functions for input-output with common image formats (mhd, gipl) and mesh formats (vtk, stl), and basic (although not necessarily simple) image processing operations such as image resample, image reslice and image transform.



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لینک به دیدگاه




تگ های این فایل:


3d image viewer, gui, image processing, imshow 3d, window and level adjustment


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16 Apr 2013 (Updated 19 Apr 2013)

imshow3D:(3D imshow) Displays 3D images slice by slice.Intensity adjusting & slice browsing by mouse



imshow3D displays 3D images in slice by slice fashion with mouse based slice browsing and window and level adjustment control.




imshow3D ( Image )

imshow3D ( Image , [] )

imshow3D ( Image , [LOW HIGH] )


Image: 3D image MxNxK (K slices of MxN images)

[LOW HIGH]: display range that controls the display intensity range of the grayscale image (default: the widest available range)

Use the scroll bar or mouse scroll wheel to switch between slices. To adjust window and level values keep the mouse right button pressed and drag the mouse up and down (for level adjustment) or right and left (for window adjustment).


"Auto W/L" button adjusts the window and level automatically.


While "Fine Tune" check box is checked the window/level adjustment gets 16 times less sensitive to mouse movement, to make it easier to fine tune the window and level values.

Scrolling and window/level adjustment has been designed similar to the standard medical image visualization software.





% Display an image (MRI example)

load mri

Image = squeeze(D);




% Display the image, adjust the display range


imshow3D(Image,[20 100]);




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لینک به دیدگاه

Interactive DICOM 3D Viewer



نمایش تصاویر DICOM،تگ های این فایل:


3d viewer, ct, dcm, dicom, directory, medical imaging, mri, viewer


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01 Aug 2010 (Updated 12 Sep 2012)

Viewer allows user to look through cross sections of a dicom image set.



The interactive viewer allows a user to select a folder with one set of dicom images. The viewer assembles the images in order and displays them as one 3D dataset. User can then scroll through and look at axial, sagittal, and coronal views. A zoom feature and measuring tool have also been added.


فایل Interactive DICOM 3D Viewer App فقط شامل Matlab App هست که در ورژن های R2012b به بعد می تونه استفاه بشه، به فایل دیگه ای برای نصب نیاز نداره، بعد از نصب هم در تب Apps پنجره متلب قرار می گیره.

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لینک به دیدگاه




نمایش تصاویر 3 و 4 بعدی، تگ های این فایل:


3d, 3d image, 3d image viewer, 4d, 4d image viewer, evaluation, gui, image, image analysis, image display, image processing, image viewer, image visualization, imagesc, imshow, line profile, medical, pick of the week, potw, roi evaluation



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21 Feb 2013 (Updated 24 Apr 2013)


4D/3D image visualization and evaluation GUI.


This file was selected as MATLAB Central

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Comfortable, powerful and intuitive visualization of 3D images and even multiple 3D images in one window (4D using multiple panels). Supports image evaluation features such as line evaluation and region of interest (ROI) evaluation. Users can write their own evaluation functions to make tailord image analysis in a comfortable and powerful framework.

Now with app file.

Comes with a documentation pdf-file.

Feature highlights:

- Supports real-time continuous image zooming and adjustment of brightness and contrast using simple mouse moving operations.

- Adapt the GUI layout and the number of panels to your needs.

- Displays up to 16 3D-images simultaneously.

- Shows image intensity and coordinates at current cursor position.

- Link multiple 3D views or operate on individual views separately.

- 3D images can be rotated in 90 degree steps around all axes.

- Image evaluation along lines.

- Image ROI evaluation.

- Write your own evaluation function and easily incorporate into the framework.

- Save stacks of images to image files using the current contrast/brighness settings.

- Colormaps


فایل Imagine App فقط شامل Matlab App هست که در ورژن های R2012b به بعد می تونه استفاه بشه، به فایل دیگه ای برای نصب نیاز نداره، بعد از نصب هم در تب Apps پنجره متلب قرار می گیره.


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لینک به دیدگاه

3D Cone beam CT (CBCT) projection backprojection FDK MLEM reconstruction MATLAB codes for students


تگ های این فایل:

backprojection, cbct, cone beam, conebeam, ct, fdk, mlem, projection, reconstruction

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10 Mar 2012 (Updated 28 Feb 2014)


3D Cone beam CT (CBCT) projection backprojection MLEM FDK reconstruction MATLAB source codes




My name is Kyungsang Kim.


This program is with respect to the mesh-grid based 3D cone-beam CT.

This is made for students who learn the medical imaging.


Please let me know if the program has problems.

(E-mail: kssigari(at)gmail)

Thank you




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  • 1 ماه بعد...

3D Slicer




نمایش تصاویر انواع مختلف سه بعدی پزشکی، تگ های فایل:


3d, 3d image viewer, 3d viewer, display, image, slice, slicer, stack, toolbox, viewer, visualization


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22 Jun 2010 (Updated 02 Dec 2013)


Slicer for exploring 3D images (grayscale, color or vectorial) through planar or 3D slices.



Simple interface for exploring 3D images by visualizing planar slices. The interface also allows displaying 3 orthogonal slices, either in 3D or in three subplots.


Among the interface features:

- navigation within image,

- zoom management,

- edition of grayscale range (from datataype, from image, manual)

- interactively change display range, color map, spatial resolution...

- 3D image flip or 90-degrees rotation,

- import of metaimage, analyze or dicom images

- interactive 3D orthogonal slices, planar or 3D

- management of several look-up tables

It supports 3D grayscale, binary, RGB, or vector images (in this case, the vector norm is used for display).


The package includes functions to read/write image stacks stored as tif slices or bundle, as well as basic support for reading and writing images in metaimage format (mhd).

Examples of use:

Slicer(img); % display the 3D or 4D imge

Slicer('fileName.tif'); % read the 3D image from file

Slicer('img000.tif'); % read a series of images

Slicer % opens a dialog to choose the file

Slice(img, 'DisplayRange', [0 80], 'Spacing', [1 1 2.5], 'Origin', [0 0 0], 'unitName', 'µm'); % Specify some options


Type "help slicer" at matlab prompt, or "help imStacks" to have an overview of all functions within the package.


To install, simply unzip, and add the directory "imStacks" to the path. The new version of the Slicer (from July 2012) uses the GUILayout toolbox by Ben Tordoff (FEx #27758). Version 1.10 is included in the archive for convenience.



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لینک به دیدگاه

سلام آقا Imaaan من میخوام این تولباکس Viewer3D را دانلود کنیم خطای لینک بهم میده میشه کمکم کنید؟

میخوام عکسهای Raw. و .mhd تو متلب باز کنم؟

لینک به دیدگاه
سلام آقا Imaaan من میخوام این تولباکس Viewer3D را دانلود کنیم خطای لینک بهم میده میشه کمکم کنید؟

میخوام عکسهای Raw. و .mhd تو متلب باز کنم؟



لینک دانلود که مشکل نداره، متلب ارور میده؟


این تاپیک رو هم ببین، از این فایل استفاده می کنه:




این تاپیک هم برای اضافه کردن تولباکس یا مجموعه کدهای جدید به متلب:

روش اضافه کردن تولباکس جدید به متلب



چون کد C هم داره، باید کامپایلر هم داشته باشین:


نصب کامپایلر ++c/c برای متلب و استفاده از کدهای mex



آخری هنوز کامل نشده، ولی فردا حتما ادامش میدم. :a030:

لینک به دیدگاه

ممنون از راهنماییت

من اصلا نمی تونم دانلودش کنم نمیدونم چرا؟





لینک که داخل انجمن هست، نباید مشکلی باشه، امتحانم کردم.

یه جا دیگه هم آپلود کردم:a030:


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سلام مرسی دانلود شد

حالا باید بشیم کداش بفهمم تا بتونم تو پروژم ازش استفاده کنم

فکر کنم با کمک شما بتونم نظر استادم عوض کنم.

مممنونمممممممممممممم :w16::a030::hapydancsmil:

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سلام آقا Imaaan من با این تولباکس Viewer3D مشکل دارم هرکار میکنم بهم خطا میده

میشه کمکم کنید؟


موقع تبدیل تصاویر خطا میده.:banel_smiley_4:



چه خطایی میده؟

لینک به دیدگاه

سلام مثلا اینا.

((()Error in ==> viewer3d>menu_load_view_Callback at 543

if(ishandle(dataold.handle_histogram)), close(dataold.handle_histogram); end

Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96


Error in ==> viewer3d at 48

gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in ==>



??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback


لینک به دیدگاه
سلام مثلا اینا.

((()Error in ==> viewer3d>menu_load_view_Callback at 543

if(ishandle(dataold.handle_histogram)), close(dataold.handle_histogram); end

Error in ==> gui_mainfcn at 96


Error in ==> viewer3d at 48

gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in ==>



??? Error while evaluating uimenu Callback




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لینک به دیدگاه

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